Finesse Training Sequence

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  • Retail Price: £ 65.00 GBP
  • Regular price £ 94.40 GBP

Linda Parelli has developed a revolutionary 10-part training sequence with which to guide students through the fourth Parelli Savvy, Finesse. This 2-DVD set features Linda teaching students as they implement each component of the formula, step by step. If you’ve ever found yourself unsure about your progress as you play in Finesse – or you’re simply interested in learning what Finesse is all about – you’ll find this DVD to be the perfect road map for you and your horse.

The Finesse Training Sequence is:
1.    Freely Forward
2.    Downward Transitions Without Using Reins
3.    Ride the Line
4.    Supple Rein
5.    Carving Turns
6.    Leg Yield on the Circle
7.    Contact
8.    Random Patterns
9.    Lateral Movements
10.    Collecting Exercises

-    The Sequence: 10 Steps to Follow.
-    Lesson 1: Watch a nervous horse go through steps 1-6.

-    Lesson 2: Watch a confident rider with a resistant horse.
-    Lesson 3: Watch a novice horse and rider.

Runtime: 3 hours, 9 minutes.